Genus Bohadschia

Genus Bohadschia

The genus Bohadschia contains medium to large, stout to elongate sea cucumbers with firm, but usually pliable bodies (Genus Bohadschia[/l]). Their [l][m]Glossary[/m][r]Tegument[/r]tegument is mostly smooth but may have numerous tube feet or low papillae. Their cuvierian tubules are thick, white, and unbranched. They bear 20 tentacles. Calcified (anal teeth) are not present. Spicules are branched or spinose rods with granules but no tables. Bohadschia species may be found mainly exposed or more or less buried in sand of coral reef flats or shallow slopes.

Remarks: Body colours serve to most easily distinguish between species in this genus (when dealing with live specimens), e.g., B. argus (Bohadschia argus[/l]) has characteristic white-ringed spots, B. marmorata ([l]bohadschia_marmorata.jpgBohadschia marmorata[/l]) has dark brown spots on a paler base as well as often having dark angular patches. Several [l][m]Glossary[/m][r]Species[/r]species are now considered synonyms of B. marmorata, viz. vitiensis, tenuissima, similis, koellikeri and biuittata. The single record of Endean (1956) of B. paradoxa at Low Isles may also be referred to marmorata.

Species in this genus:

Bohadschia graeffei (Semper, 1868)
Bohadschia marmorata Jaeger, 1833
Bohadschis argus Jaeger, 1833