Holothuria cinerascens


  • Brandt, J.F. 1835. Prodromus descriptions animalium ab H. Mertensio...observatorum. Fasc. 1, pp 1-75.
  • Cannon, L.R.G. and Silver, H. 1986. Sea Cucumbers of Northern Australia. Queensland Museum, South Brisbane, Australia, 60 pp.
  • Clark, A.M. and Rowe, F.W.E. 1971. 'Monograph of shallow water Indo-west Pacific Echinoderms.' (London:British Museum).
  • Domantay, J.S. 1954. Some holothurians from Guam and vicinity. Nat. Appl. Sci. Bull.Univ. Philipp. 12:336-357.
  • Erwe, W. 1913. Holothurioidea. pp. 349-402. In Michalesen, W. and Hartmeyer, R. (Eds.) 'Die Fauna Sudwest-Australiens, Vol. 4.' (Jena: Fischer).
  • Fisher, W.K. 1907. The holothurians of the Hawaiian Islands. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 32: 637-744.
  • Lampert, K. 1885. Die Seewalzen — Holothurioidea. 312 pp.
  • Panning, A. 1929-1935. Die Gattung Holothuria. Mitt. zool. St. Inst. Hamb. (1929) 44:91-138; (1934) 45:65-84; (1935) 45:85-107.
  • Rowe, F.W.E. 1969. A review of the family Holothuriidae (Holothurioidea Aspidochirotida). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) (Zoology) 18: 119-70.
  • Selenka, E. 1867. Beiträge zur Anatomis un Systematik der Holothurien. Ztschr. fl. wissensch. Zool. 17:291-374.