Genus Stichopus

Genus Stichopus

The genus Stichopus contains medium to large-sized sea cucumbers with three clearly defined rows of tube feet below (Genus Stichopus[/l]). The body wall often bears prominent [l][m]Glossary[/m][r]Papilla[/r]papillae and is quite firm, though capable of rapidly disintegrating if the animal stressed. Spicules often include distinctive "C" and "S" shapes.

Remarks: The species of Stichopus can best be distinguished by colour and form when alive, however, considerable variation can occur. Variations include alternating dark and light green swirls, or pale green/grey with prominent dark spots. Another variation is grey-green or with black or an orange patchwork, of medium size, square in section with very prominent papillae irregularly arranged on upper surface. Its spicules include well developed tables, rods and large "C" rods. It is found on coastal sea-grass beds. All these forms have been identified as S. variegatus . Clark (1938) described a further species as S. ellipes from a single specimen near Broome. It was brown-grey with darker grey blotches along the sides and was covered with minute dark spots. It lacked "C" rods or rosettes. The genus is in much need of revision. Finally, the specimen identified as S. paradoxus seems likely to have been H. Ieucospilota and not a Stichopus.

Species in this genus:

Stichopus chloronotus Brandt, 1835
Stichopus horrens Selenka, 1867
Stichopus variegatus Semper, 1868