Genus Pentacta

Genus Pentacta

The genus Pentacta contains small to medium-sized sea cucumbers, distinctly flattened below with three distinct rows of tube feet. Most tube feet are confined to the ambulacra, tentacles tend to be of equal size and the body wall is firm. Species are heavily laden with baskets and fenestrated spheres.

Remarks: P. quadrangularis and P. anceps are fairly distinctive: P. australis is somewhat more variable (Genus Pentacta[/l]). A further [l][m]Glossary[/m][r]Species[/r]species P. jaegeri may be difficult to distinguish from P. quadrangularis, P. cucumis and P. minuta are not well known. P. armatus was considered a variety of australis by Erwe (1913); P. robusta and P. dispar are 2 small species from Western Australia recorded by Ekman (1918), the latter may be a form of australis.

Species in this genus:

Pentacta australis (Ludwig, 1874)
Pentacta anceps (Quoy and Gaimard, 1833)
Pentacta armatus (von Marenzeller, 1881)
Pentacta crassa (Ekman, 1918)
Pentacta quadrangularis (Troschel, 1846)