Havlockia versicolor

(Semper, 1867)

The sea cucumber H. versicolor is variably coloured from cream to purple, mostly brown with red-tipped, conical papillae irregularly scattered on its upper surface [see Clark (1938) pl. 16, fig. 3 (colour)]. It is a small species (60-80 mm), square in section. Spicules are squarish tables with two pillars (H. versicolor spicules[/l]). H. versicolor is a [l][m]Glossary[/m][r]Coast[/r]coastal, tropical species, found from the intertidal to 15 m among sponges, soft corals and algae.

Remarks: James (1976) stated that H. mirabilis is a synonym of H. versicolor.