Holothuria atra

Jaeger, 1833

H. (Halodeima) atra is a black sea cucumber with black tentacles, frequently covered with sand (H. atra photo[/l]). It is a small to very large [l][m]Glossary[/m][r]Species[/r]species (up to 600 mm), fissiparous, cylindrical with rounded ends, a smooth tegument and a pliable body wall. Toxic red fluid is released from the skin on rubbing. Spicules are tables with a reduced disc and a moderate spire bearing a 'maltese cross', and rosettes but no buttons (H. atra spicules[/l]). Small specimens tend to have a thin coating of sand with open patches of black skin showing through, large specimens are seen either with no sand covering or with a thick unbroken covering above. Specimens of this [l][m]Glossary[/m][r]Animal[/r]animal are conspicuous and common, lying exposed on sand flats of reefs and the coast at beaches.